What is the SCQF?
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework is Scotland’s national qualifications -framework providing a way of recognising, describing and comparing the difficulty and time taken to achieve a whole range of qualifications. The framework promotes lifelong learning, with the aim to include all qualifications and assessed learning in Scotland, so that learners can identify their current position on the SCQF and plan their future learning.
SCQF Credit Rating is a formal process carried out by trained teams, where a training programme or course is rigorously scrutinised and allocated a SCQF Level and SCQF Credit Points.
What are the benefits of the SCQF Rating Service?
Benefits to your organisation:
• Have your training programmes nationally recognised, providing added value to in-house training, helping with employee engagement, retention and career progression.
• Increase confidence when speaking with potential customers, demonstrating the professionalism and level of expertise within your organisation.
Benefits to your employees:
• Staff gain formal recognition for the learning, providing a sense of achievement and increases engagement and motivation for training and learning, helping them progress in their career or into further learning.
• Provides confidence that training is being provided at the right level for the post, supporting progression and skills development and offers a framework for succession planning and future recruitment.
Is your training programme eligible for SCQF Credit Rating?
Be described in learning outcomes: You should have clear statements of what learning, knowledge, skills and understanding can be expected following the training.
Involve a minimum of 10 hours of learning: Learning hours are not just those spent in a formal training session. They can also include prior reading or research, independent study, and online or on-the-job training.
Be formally assessed: Assessment does not need to be a formal exam, although it does need to demonstrate that an individual has achieved the expected learning outcome. For example, this could be a short quiz, observation of practical activity or a role-play task.
Have internal and external quality assurance processes: How you evaluate, review and update your training all ensures the quality assurance of your programme.
Next Steps
If your training meets the criteria above then your programme is eligible for SCQF Credit Rating! And there's no need to miss out if your programme does not meet all these criteria, as Fife College can provide support and services to help you achieve this eligibility.
Contact us to today to discuss your options by emailing scqf-credit-rating@fife.ac.uk
You can also find more information on the SCQF website here

SCQF Explained