The Assessor Verifier Awards enable you to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out work-based assessments or internal verification as well as providing support to existing assessors.

The qualification is recognised by leading industry bodies and is delivered through distance learning and visits and observations within the workplace.

  • Six months per unit
  • Distance learning (in the workplace)
  • You should aim for completion of each unit within six months; however, the time taken will depend on your job role. Initial induction will be given for each of the two units followed by individual assessor support to build up a portfolio of evidence.
  • The assessor will visit your workplace for the purpose of observing your competent performance. Support will be through meetings, email and using the Virtual Learning Environment, iLearn.
  • You will be encouraged to create an action plan and set realistic targets for completion of each of the units being undertaken.


You are only required to do one unit depending on whether you want to be an assessor or verifier:

  • Assessor: L&D9DI Assess Workplace Competence Using Direct and Indirect Methods
  • Verifier: L&D11 Internally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Assessment
  • L&D9DI Assess Workplace Competence Using Direct and Indirect Methods: You must be in a position to assess candidates in a real workplace and be supported by an internal verifier. You must be able to show your contributions to an internal quality assurance process.
  • L&D11 Internally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Assessment: You must be able to internally verify the assessment process of a work-based qualification, support and monitor assessor’s performance and demonstrate their contributions towards a quality assurance process that meets external requirements.
  • You can progress to SVQs in Learning and Development.
  • Completion of these units will enhance your employability as a work-based assessor and/or internal verifier.
  • £795 per unit

  • Applications are open throughout the year and you are able to apply at any time.