About Jacqui
Dr Jacqui Hepburn is Deputy Chief Executive for NHS 24 and her role is responsible for developing effective Workforce strategies to meet the distinctive needs of NHS 24. This includes, resourcing and workforce planning, organisational development, leadership and learning and human resources and employee relations. In her Deputy Chief Executive role, Jacqui is Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) for the Digital Transformation Programme and Executive lead for Internal Communications and staff engagement, Community Engagement and the SAS/NHS 24 Collaboration programme.
Jacqui has more than 30 years’ experience across the private, public and third sectors encompassing governance, strategy, planning and performance, policy development, government affairs/stakeholder engagement, corporate services, HR and organisational development across the UK and Europe.
Prior to joining NHS 24, Jacqui has worked for Abellio Transport Holdings, as well as Scotrail, Flybe, Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, and Deputy Chief Executive of the Wise Group. She has also provided Consultancy across the public sector including prison, policing and Scottish Government. Jacqui’s’ earlier career was in finance and included roles in the Food and Drink sectors.
Jacqui is currently a non-executive Director of Crossroads Fife, Chair of the People and Culture Committee and independent advisory board member for the British Transport Police (Scotland).