This course is designed to support those who wish to pursue a career in the football industry. The course is practical in nature and allows you to develop your playing performance in an elite setting whilst also developing skills in a range of additional roles including coaching, scouting, sport science, and stadium management.
- Football skills
- Individual and team skills
- Coaching skills
- Health & nutrition skills
- Problem solving and communication skills
- One year full-time
- Basic sports coaching techniques
- Deliver a coaching programme: football
- Free & Fixed weights
- Sporting activity: association football
- Sporting activity participation and performance
- Sports officiating and organising – formal: association football
- Nutrition and health
- Sports: activity and participation opportunities in the community
- Event organisation
- Scouting and talent identification
- Developing technical performance in football
You must demonstrate practical ability at a club level (within the last two years) and possess one of the following:
- Four National 5s at Grade C or above
- Intermediate Certificate: Sport and Fitness (with a minimum of 13 SQA assessed credits)
- An equivalent Sport and Fitness related course at SCQF Level 5
- You may be required to take part in an informal conversation as part of the application process.
- This group/individual conversation may be an information session and may include a skills based activity
- You will need a PVG check through Disclosure Scotland in order to go out on the placement(s) as part of this course
- HNC: Sports Coaching and Development (Football Coaching) SCQF Level 7
- HNC: Sports Coaching and Development (Multi Sport Coaching) SCQF Level 7
- Sport and exercise science related degrees
- If you are looking towards employment in the sport and fitness industries, especially those with a football focus then this is the course for you.
- Junior Coaching Position
- Junior Team Position
- Youth Football
- Appropriate Sport & Fitness kit will be required. Some costs may be met by the college.
- You may be required to take part in an informal conversation as part of the application process.
- This group/individual conversation may be an information session with a skills based activity
- You will need a PVG check through Disclosure Scotland in order to go out on the placement(s) as part of this course
Current Opportunities
{{currentlyEmployed.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}}
Expected Jobs 2020
{{nextYearEmployed.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}}
Expected Jobs 2023
{{futureEmployed.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}}
Statistics are representative based on National data collated and provided by Emsi Economic Modelling.