Take some financial pressure off your training budget.
Fife College can provide useful advice and guidance on the latest funding available to you as an employer or as an individual learner.
From ITAs to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) funding, we can help you find a solution to the financial pressures that you might be facing. So don’t let financial concerns put you off undertaking training.
Give us a call today on 0344 248 0128 or email sales@fife.ac.uk to discuss your training and development needs.
Our Business Development team will be happy to advise you on sources of funding such as:
Transition Training Fund
Flexible Workforce Development Fund
Make the most of your funding
Don’t lose out on claiming all of the funding that you could be entitled to.
It is important to remember that some funds will only allow you to make a single application. So even if you do not apply for the maximum amount available, you can’t go back at a later date and use the remaining balance for another course that may be more beneficial to your career.
We recommend speaking to one of our advisors before committing to any programme of training.
The team at Fife College offer free advice and support to anyone who is considering applying for funding for training. They will be happy to discuss your development needs and work with you to put together a training plan that could set you on the path to a new career.
You have nothing to lose, so why not call us today on 0344 248 0132?