24 May 2024

Fife College students attended a special presentation to mark their scholarship success, thanks to funds awarded from The Russell Trust.

An amazing 143 deserving individuals have been awarded scholarships to help them progress in their studies and future careers. Ranging from £50 to £300, the awards provide financial assistance for students to purchase essential equipment and resources for their educational journey.

Around one-third of the students awarded were able to make the celebration event in person and to receive certificates presented by Iona Russell and Alice Croal from the Russell Trust during the ceremony, which was held in the College’s Carnegie Conference Centre in Dunfermline.

The Russell Trust scholarship is one of the most significant scholarships offered through Adam Smith Scholarships, part of Fife College, contributing £15,000 annually to student support. Since its inception in 1999, it has been the longest-standing scholarship at the College, awarding in total £212,000 to 1,235 students.

One of this year’s scholarship winners was NC Pathway to Social Sciences student Emma Roberts. Emma has had recent health problems and her scholarship award has helped towards costs for her assistance dog, six-year-old red & white setter Callie.

Emma, from Kelty, said:

“The money awarded has been invaluable in helping pay for Callie’s training. I cannot work at the moment as I await further tests and cannot drive just now either.

“Callie helps me every day as she gives me the confidence to get going in the mornings and to use public transport. She helps keep me calm when I am in college and in time she will learn to alert me to impending seizures.”

Another winner, HNC Jewellery student Clark Rennie from Freuchie, said:

“Winning the Russell Trust Scholarship means the world to me as it will provide the financial support needed to invest in CAD design tools and courses, allowing me to pursue my passion for jewellery design and elevate my skills in the field.”

Iona Russell, Trustee of the Russell Trust, said:

“The Russell Trust is delighted to present these scholarship awards to Fife College students.

“Sir David Russell, the founder of the Russell Trust, placed great emphasis on promoting higher education for the youth of Fife, and over 70 years later, it is fantastic to continue this through our Russell Trust Scholarship.

“On behalf of everyone at The Russell Trust, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all of this year's recipients."

Lyn Gold, Scholarship and Alumni Engagement Lead at Fife College, said:

"For twenty-five years, The Russell Trust has been a generous supporter of our students, and we are immensely grateful for their ongoing support. Witnessing the impact of the scholarship awards on our students, as shared during the presentation event, was truly heartening. Congratulations to all our scholarship recipients for their achievements."

Adam Smith Scholarships, part of Fife College, is one of the largest college scholarship programmes in Scotland, awarding thousands of pounds each year to support students, develop opportunities, open doors, and transform lives.

For further details about scholarships at Fife College visit the Adam Smith Scholarships page of the Fife College website or email scholarships@fife.ac.uk.