The current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is having an effect on everyone’s lives and this is a worrying time for many of us. It is important we all stay informed and to follow information and advice. It is also vital that we manage our health and wellbeing during these times.
The Scottish Government’s instructions are for us to avoid all but necessary social contact. This means that we will be spending more time at home with our regular social activities being cancelled or postponed. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be ‘social’ – it might mean we have to adjust to what that looks like for us.
What might help is to try and see all of this as just a very different time in our lives. A time which is temporary and not necessarily bad – a time that we can find happiness in, even if things are a bit strange.
Here are some hints and tips so you can start thinking about how you are going to look after your mental health and wellbeing at this time:
Evidence shows that connecting with others and forming good relationships – with family, friends and the wider community – are important for health and mental wellbeing.
You may need to get organised with how you are going to keep in touch with others; this may be by different means than you are used to - social media, messaging, e-mail or over the phone.
Keeping in touch with people is very important for our health and wellbeing – let’s get connected and keep connected!
In uncertain times it is easy to fall into a pattern of living moment to moment. However, keeping up with a new daily routine is a great way to prioritise looking after yourself.
Adding self-care into your day is essential – this could be reading more or watching a film, having an exercise routine, trying relaxation techniques, and having a timetable of college work to keep up with your studies. Resting needs to be part of your day as well – this can be an emotional time and having time for respite is vital.
Finding a structure that suits you is very important for our health and wellbeing – get organised and find a routine that makes you happy!
There are a lot of different opinions, rumour and speculation flying about around Coronavirus. It is important to access factual information about the virus as this can help you feel more in control and reduce anxiety.
For good quality up-to-date information and advice see:
Having a blether is always really good for our health and wellbeing – so find some reputable sources, keep it light and always be kind!
Wash your hands more often than usual, for a minimum of at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water (sing ‘happy birthday’ to yourself twice as you wash).
Keeping clean and hygienic is more vital than ever for our own and other peoples health and wellbeing – so get singing whilst you wash your hands!
Acknowledge and anticipate distress
It is totally normal to feel vulnerable and overwhelmed about Coronavirus, particularly if you have experienced traumatic events, or mental or physical health issues in your past.
It is a good idea to acknowledge these feelings and remind yourself to look after your physical and mental health.
Staying true to yourself and being self-aware is great for our health and wellbeing – so be good to yourself and reach out if you are feeling distressed.
This is a strange time and there may be some time when you are self-isolating. But it doesn’t have to be a bad experience. Make sure you are thinking about fun things you can do. Watching films, reading books, playing games, working on college work, catching up with friends online, baking, being creative. This may be a good time to start a new hobby or learn a new skill.
Learning new things and doing things that you enjoy is so important in health and wellbeing – self-care can and should be fun!
Health and Wellbeing
As well as eating and drinking healthily, sleeping well and exercising regularly, there are lots of ways you can reach out for advice and guidance whilst the College is closed.
All of our support services are still open but are working remotely for you. If you would like to speak to someone you can still make a guidance appointment, via email or over the phone:
There are lots of websites where you can find lots of information on health and wellbeing to keep happy and healthy during this time:
These are strange days, but together we will get through them and we can all help ourselves and each other stay happy and healthy!
Take care