You’ve worked hard all year and you know your stuff. We get that, but we also know that a little extra advice is always welcome. That’s why we’ve put together this information on study and exams for you; to help you be the best you can be this exam season.

We’ve put our heads together and come up with our Top 10 Study Tips to help you get the most out of your revision time!

We’re sure that you’ll do brilliantly in all of your exams – we’d just like to help if we can.

Good luck!

#1 Make a study plan that will work for youStudying and revision are very important in the lead up to exams, but a one-size-fits-all approach may not be best. It’s also important to make sure that you are studying in a way that works for you.

A study plan can make it easier for you to keep on top of all of your studies and make sure that you are giving each subject the correct amount of attention.

You know how you study best, so use that to your advantage.

#2 Take regular study breaksThe great thing about creating a study plan is that you can incorporate regular study breaks. Not only do these breaks offer a good goal or incentive while studying, they are also good for you and will help you study more effectively.

Working for a long, continuous time can actually decrease your productivity, and it’s also when distraction can creep in. Short breaks throughout the day are important. Take a walk, have a hot drink or just do something else away from your study space, can keep you focused and make sure you get the best results.

#3 Make sure you test yourself regularlyIt may seem like there are enough tests coming up to keep you occupied, but setting yourself short quizzes can help you to remember information.

It will also help to prepare you for an exam environment.

Past papers are a ready-made source of tests, but you should also think about working with a friend or family member, or using flash cards, to test your knowledge. And the good news is, research suggests that if you struggle to remember something in a self-test scenario, you are more likely to remember it come your actual exam!

#4 Be sure to mix it upIn the same way that regular study breaks help you to maintain your focus, moving around as you study can have a positive effect on your concentration.

This doesn’t mean jumping about as you read over your notes (unless that works for you!) but studying in a different place every day or moving around during each study break can help you to form stronger associations with what you’re studying.

#5 Get into a study routineRoutine is important!

Creating and sticking to a study plan is a fantastic start, but there are other things to think about when preparing for study.

You will know yourself how you learn best – where you can best concentrate and at what times you are most productive. It is important that you factor this into your plan.

Your study space should be quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions. It should also compliment your learning style.

#6 Stay positive!Your attitude has a big impact on how productive your study sessions are.

If you’re not really committed to what you’re doing, it will be much harder to get anything from your study. When you think positively, however, your brain shows greater activity and you are more likely to retain new information.

Don’t be afraid to do the things you like to do during study leave: exercise is a great way to foster positive thoughts and improve the processes of your brain. So you should definitely continue to hit the gym, play sports, or just dance around to your favourite songs.

#7 Find study partners that work for youOK, so by now you will know who is a good study partner for you and who is more of a bad influence. It is important that you only study with those who work for you.

Group study isn’t for everyone. Some people prefer to work on their own. And that’s fine, but you should always keep in mind that if you’re stuck or struggling with something the best thing to do is ask for some help. This could be a friend, classmate, teacher, or a family member. It’s good to talk it out.

#8 Look after yourselfIf you take good care of yourself, you can study better.

You should make sure that you are getting enough sleep and physical exercise, as well as eating well and drinking enough water. And remember; a little bit of caffeine can aid study, but too much can have the opposite effect.

An all-nighter before an exam may seem like a great idea, but you should try to avoid it. If you keep studying past the time you would usually go to bed, it can have a detrimental effect on you. Sleep is when your brain processes information, so make sure you are getting enough!

#9 Try different revision techniquesReading your notes over and over again may work, but you should try a few different revision techniques to see what works the best for you.

Re-write your notes instead of typing them – you are more likely to take in the information this way.

Reading your notes out loud can also lead to increased memory as you are combining seeing your notes with saying them.

#10 Is there an app for that?Embrace new technologies!

Revision doesn’t have to be just a pen and paper activity. There are loads of useful apps and online tools that can help you, from quizzes to prompts.

We hope you find these tips helpful. Have you seen our advice on avoiding stress and exam day tips?

Avoid Exam Leave Stress the Perfect Exam