Adam Smith Scholarships is part of Fife College and was created to support our students – to develop opportunities, open doors and transform lives!

Adam Smith Scholarships receive thousands of pounds in financial donations from companies, individuals and funds each year and distribute them fairly out to deserving Fife College students to support them with their studies.

We have awarded over £1 million to students since we began in 1997 with £500k being awarded in the last 5 years.

We work with up to 30 generous donors each year and award around 300 students via our online application programme. Well known donors include, Shell, Diageo, Arnold Clark, Russell Trust and Ian Rankin.

Our scholarships provide recognition, a financial award, and in some cases, work experience, internships and trips abroad to support and encourage students to achieve their full potential.

“In this competitive world we all need some extra help getting on to the first rung of the ladder.

“This scholarship programme is a great initiative and allows me to provide students with that much needed lift and recognition at the beginning of their career.

"I really enjoy being involved, reading the students’ work and meeting them at the awards presentations.

"It’s good to give something back and it’s also a great excuse for me to visit Fife and play a part in supporting the Kingdom’s emerging creative talent.”

Ian Rankin, Scholarship donor

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