John Wincott (second from right, back row) is pictured at the Fife Environmental Partnership's recent quarterly meeting.  

Fife College Environmental Services Coordinator John Wincott has been appointed as Chair of Fife College’s Environmental Partnership.

Katherine Leys, Head of Biodiversity and Geodiversity at Scottish Natural Heritage has stood down as Chair of the Partnership after 5 years. At the partnership’s recent quarterly meeting she handed over duties to John Wincott who was voted in as the new Chair. 

John said he was delighted to be appointed and thanked Katherine for her great work. John said: “These are very challenging times with the declaration of the climate emergency. FEP is unique in the range of public and third sector bodies it brings together to focus purely on climate and environmental matters.  

"I believe FEP has a very important role to play in, providing collaboration for partners in the region to achieve our joint objectives and to help, advise, lead and scrutinise policy action and development. Fife College is heavily involved in many local climate change and sustainability initiatives and this role with FEP provides an excellent opportunity to expand this even further."

In her parting speech Katherine spoke of enjoying her time as Chair of FEP.  Katherine said: "FEP members are passionate and committed experts and advocates for the environment and for the people and nature of Fife.  The work done building the partnership has prepared us for the scale of the new challenges we all face in addressing biodiversity loss and climate change. I know FEP will continue to thrive under John’s Chairmanship and that individually and collectively FEP members will continue make a positive difference for Fife. 

Ross Spalding from REFSOl Fife Council said: “I’m really looking forward to working with FEP and John to deliver the Climate Fife Action Plan. Fife Council are presently in consultation for this plan and will be working with stakeholders across Fife over the next 2 years to finalise action needed to meet Scottish government  emissions targets. FEP will play an important role in providing governance for this action plan. John with his strong background in sustainability is well placed to drive this forward”.