Fife College recently held the second annual Law Society Conference at the Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy. 

Organised in conjunction with the Law Society of Scotland, all HNC and HND Legal Services students were invited to attend with HNC Events students also helping to organise the event.

A variety of people working within the legal profession attended the conference including solicitors, trainee solicitors. The students were given an opportunity to find out more about the legal profession and what it is like to study law through a number of ‘Q and A’ sessions.

Also in attendance was a representative from the Reach programme, an initiative that engages S4 to S6 pupils with an interest in completing a degree in Dentistry, Law, Medicine or Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. They gave an invaluable presentation to attendees on how to complete their UCAS application for an LLB (first stage of legal training).

The students also enjoyed participating in interactive sessions of the award-winning Street Law Programmer, which was run by Dundee University Law students.

Student feedback from the conference was highly positive with many feeling they had been inspired to continue with their legal studies as four out of the seven speakers were former Fife College Legal Services student.

For more information about Fife College's Legal Services course, click here.