Students from the Future Skills course welcome Roddy and Jason to College.
Students from Fife College have been finding out more about health and safety in the kitchen thanks to links with a local restaurateur.As part of their learning unit ‘Work Right’, the Future Skills students at the College’s Stenton Campus in Glenrothes have been finding out all about the importance of food hygiene and working with others.

Roddy Jobson, owner of Foxton Bar and Grill in Glenrothes and O’Connells and The Dining Room in Kirkcaldy, welcomed the group of students to his Glenrothes restaurant to find out more about the subject and to enable the students to see in practice what they had been learning in college.

While they were on the visit the students got the chance to see the kitchens and chat to chef Jason Grant.  They also made pancakes and sampled a range of food and drink.  

The students were delighted to repay the visit by inviting Roddy and Jason to College to try out their food at the student-run Sunny Side Up Café situated within the Stenton Campus.

Tracey Ford-McNicol, Director of Community and Supported Learning at Fife College, said: “This learning unit provides students with vital health and safety knowledge that they can use in their own lives while gaining skills and experience that can help them find work in the future. Fife College is committed to the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) agenda for all students and I am delighted to see this group of supported learning students, take full advantage of industry visits to maximise their potential.

 “The restaurant business, as we all know, is a very busy one with long hours and so we are especially grateful to both Roddy and Jason for taking the time out to welcome the students to their restaurant and also visit them here in College. We hope to offer similar opportunities like this in the near future.”